OpenDoors Asheville Builds Readers
and Leaders With Peer-to-Peer Literacy and Tutoring Program, AVL Rise.
What is AVL Rise?
The program recruits, trains, and hires high school students at a living wage to serve as tutors for a matched number of struggling early elementary readers.
Tutors train twice weekly and then meet with younger students twice weekly at partnering elementary schools, resulting in improved literacy outcomes for both tutors and students.
Tutors gain leadership skills, improve financial literacy, build mentor relationships, and grow their resumes.
Tutors also have the chance to participate in creative projects with yoga, music, and more!
Program Directors are recruiting more tutors!
Students and parents interested in AVL Rise should contact
AVL Rise Director, Kishaun Green, for more information.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Click here to fill out an online application to be a tutor.

Check out AVL Rise’s 2022 Music Video,
Every Day We Rise
by 3 Kings
OpenDoors’ AVL Rise and Arts Director David Kennedy worked with high school senior Khalid Jean and local music producer Nex Millen to create this song and music video as the 3 Kings. It was recorded at Citizen Vinyl, and was filmed by BClip Productions.