Our Donors
and In-Kind Supporters
We are eternally grateful for everyone who has made our work possible.
Our original supporters were elementary school parents and local artists who felt strongly about staying in proximity to our students and growing organically. Our philosophy remains the same.
*Supporters listed reflect gifts made between May 1st 2023 and May 1st 2024.
Able Allen
Alan Baumgarten
Alexandra and Nathan Brown
Ali and Andrew Hirt
Alice and Ron Martin-Adkins
Allan Zullo
Altura Architects
Amy and Scott Willis
Andra Smith
Andrew and Katherine Jones/Miller
Anje Ruby
Ann and Greg Goosmann
Ann and Jeff Imes
Ann Dial and Will Sims
Asheville Area Arts Council
Asheville Chamber of Commerce
Asheville Eye Associates
Asheville Learning Center LLC
Baird Private Wealth Management
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Barb and Mark Shevory
Barbara MacDonald
Barbara McWicker
Barley's Taproom
Bears Smokehouse
Ben and Bonnie Hamrick
Berkeley Capital Advisors
Bess and Rod Baird
Beth and Brian Davis
Betsy Cunagin
Beverly and Terry Burt
Bill and Shelagh Byrne
Bill Jones
Birch Carlson Mrs.
Blue Ridge Pediatric Dentistry
Bob Day
Bonnie and Tom Spradling
Bonnie Henderson Schell
Bonnie Stewart
Brenda Thornburg
Brian Kottonsette
Bridget and Rick Eckerd
Brigid McIntyre
Brunk Auctions
Budweiser of Asheville
Bull and Reinhardt
Buncombe County
Caprice Lantz
Carl and Liz Peverall
Carlisle Harris
Carol and Spencer Duin
Caroline Colburn
Carolyn Herbst
Carter Bagley
Cathy Kramer
Celeste and David Sandridge
Charles Fink and Cynthia Berryman-Fink
Charlotte and Clement Riddle
Charlotte Haynes Robuck Family Foundation
Chelsea Perez
Cheryl Antoncic and Oliver Suess
Cheryl Scilex
Chris and Devin Burbach
Chris McNabb
Chrissy and Ed Kizer
Christina Mason
Christine Cicotello
Christy and Ben Catt
Chyrisse and Pete Hannan
Citi Brands LLC
City of Asheville
Clark Nexsen Architect Engineering Design
Clementine Gregory
Community Foundation of WNC Inc.
Constance Ensner
Cory and Eruch Adams
Cory Wax
Courtney and Ryan Hamner
Courtney and Stuart Bell
CoveStar Investment Realty
Dana Harris
David Bailey
David Sims
DBA City Bakery Patrose LLC
DBA Wickles Pickles Sims Food Inc.
Deaver Traywick
Debbie and Robert Lampton
Debbie Starling
Debbie Word
Deborah Francis
Dee Cash
Denise and David Turner
Dennis Wencel
Derek Hoffman
Dewey Property Advisors
Diana L Anthony
Diane and Tony Wilkey
Diane Silver
Dianne and David Worley
Dogwood Health Trust
Donna Oliver
Dosty and Alex Quarrier
Douglas Gates
Dr Bill and Barbara Haynes
Dr. and Mrs. James and Leah Usedom
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Jodi Antinori
Dr. and Mrs. Kelly and Doug MacMillan
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Johnson
Dr. and Ms. Eric and Nycole Howard
Dr. Clay and Jenny Ballantine
Dr. Deirdre Christy
Dr. William B. Abernethy
Dricana Flynn
Drs. Meg and Winfield Word-Sims
Elizabeth Rollins
Elizabeth Tindall
Ellen Sandweiss
Ellen Williams
Erica Burns
Erin and Reed Fendler
Erin and Will Allen
Family Preservation Services
First Citizens Bank
First Congregational United Church of Christ
First Horizon Foundation
Frank Gough
George and Meg Dewey
Gerry Shaw
Gilda and Gil Santiago
Gower Corporation
Green Man Brewing Co., LLC
Gregory Holden
Guy Gooder
Hanna and Michael Manes
Harmony Redford
Hayley Pedersen
Heidi K. Honchariw
Heidi Koester
Hilary Drake
Holly McArthur
Howard Waxman
Hunter Auto Group
Hunter Hometown Foundation
Hunter Subaru
Hunter Volvo
IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign Anonymous
Ingles Markets
Isaac Clay
Jack and Martha H Fleer
Jacquelyn Simms
James Montgomerie
James Whitehouse
Jan and Bruce Manes
Jan Sturgis
Jane Ann and Josh Tager
Jane Yokoyama
Janet and Ray Quate
Jasmin Welter
Jasmine Middleton
Jay Alsaadi
Jay Melancon
Jean and Jack Langdon
Jean Ann Groves
Jeanne and Charlie Cummings
Jeffrey and Jan Dektor
Jen Langdon Ramming And Jim Diaz
Jennifer Mullendore
Jennifer S Berrier
Jennifer Schoolfield
Jenny Schattschneider
Jessica Auge
Jessica Weiss And Jason White
Jill and Chris Champlin
Jim McDowell
Joan Calder
Jodi Ann Holman
Joel and Marla Adams
Joel Storrow
John Whitener And Antonio Saldana
Joya and Michael Distefano
Judith and Rick Ott
Judith Beck
Judith Weiss
Judy and George Morosani
Julia Harrison
Julie and Ed Ransdell
Justin Salvetti
Karalyn Warren
Karen Hartman
Karen Macioci And Sanford Hodges
Katherine Dadachanji
Katherine Grace Charitable Fund
Katherine Ray
Katie and Steve Valeika
Katie Thompson
Kay and Tom Finger
Kaye and Todd Phillips
Kellye and Alan Bradshaw
Kenn Kotara
Kevin Click
Kevin Keating
Kier Kirby
Kiersa Kamszik
Kiley LeBlanc
Kim Hite
Kimberly and Mike Sills
Kirenia Chiu
Kristan Dewey
Kristi Schleder
Kristie Webb
Kristin and Ross Britton
Lainie Honeycutt
Lance and Katie Ball
Laporshia Finley
Larry Golson
Larry Turner
Laura and Dan Walton
Laura and David Bourne
Laura Evans
Laura Gordon
Laura Hopkins
Lauren and Andrew Brunk
Laurie and David Serfas
Lazy Diamond
Leslie and Daniel Casse
Leslie and Sean Ryan
Liane and John Measell
Libby and Al Campbell
Lil and Scott Woody
Lindsay Hearn
Lisa & Mark Lindsay
Lisa and David May
Lisa Maher
Lizzy and Oscar Montes
Lizzy Summerlin
Lou Fiore
Louise Glickman
LS3P Associates Ltd.
LuAnn and Chris Howell-Libertore
Lynda and Robert McArthur
M Leifert
Maggie Carnevale And Brent Campbell
Margaret and Leo Storey
Margaret Averyt
Marissa and Chad Brooks
Marks Family Dentistry
Marlene Arzola & Louis Zaretsky
Mary Bahnson
Mary Kancevitch
Mary Katherine Robinson
Matthew and Caitlin Johnson
Matthew Casale
Mead Britton
Megan and Brian Walker
Megan and Steve Martell
Meghan Fine
Melinda and Clarke Browne
Melisa Holman
Mena Kates
Michael Fields
Michael Thompson
Michelle Lappas Kotara
Mickie Betz
Mike Belleme
Mike Rottjakob
Miranda Hunter
Miriyan Mitrani
Molly Dewey
Nancy and Tom Maher
Nancy Schuman
Nancy Watford
Nancy Winebarger
Network for Good
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Nicki and Bobby Ingle
Nicole and Matt Baker
Nicole Mohrmann
O. Henry Investments LLC
One Click Fix
ORVVC Committee
Osada Construction
OWL Bakery
Pam Winkler
Panashe Asheville Real Estate
Patricia and Ben Bass
Patrick O'Cain
Patrick Vernon
Patty and Tommy Norman
Paul Weichselbaum
Penny Quarrier
Phil Blake
Pine Gate Renewables
Pisgah Investments Foundation
Preston and Dennis Davitt
Rachel Hines
Raeann McSpadden
Randy Hoffman
Randy Shull
Rebecca Morse
Rebecca Norris
Rebecca Stone
Red Smith
Reni Hamner
Richard B Hurley
Richard Johnson
Richard Wasch
Rick and Carole Marcotte
Rob Dickson
Robert Carlton
Robert Fearheiley
Rodrigo and Luci Afanador
Ronald Hart
Ronna and Robert Resnick
Rosemary and Jerry Crow
Rotary Club of Asheville Foundation, Inc.
Roxanne and Steve Wilmans
Ruth Clum
Sandy Feutz
Sarah and Lucius Howell
Sarah Jane Casciato
Sarah Slechta
Sasha and Matt Osada
Saundi and Christian Theodossiou
Shane Johnson
Sharron Hatfield
Shealy Thompson
Sherry Banner
Sparrell Wood
Square Peg Construction
St Luke's Episcopal Church
Stefanie Erway
Stella Kinobe
Stephen Edge
Stephenson Pope Babcock Foundation
Steve Nilsen
Stewart Popovitch
Stonecutter Foundation Inc.
Sue and Ray McClinton
Susan and David Leader
Susan and Don Watson
Susan and Frank Devine
Susan and Mike Frisch
Susan and Tom Hunter
Susan Cannon
Susan Kosma
Susan Lake
Susan Rickert
Sweeten Creek Brewery
Tacocita's LLC
Taryn Hoffman
TD Charitable Foundation
TELUS North Carolina Community Board Fund
Tena and Greg Friddell
Terry Powell
The Beattie Foundation
The Cannon Foundation
The Doctors Sarah and Brian Warren/Asbill
The Glass Foundation Inc
The Leon Levine Foundation
The Midgard Foundation
The Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Fund
The Ramble Charitable Fund
Theresa and Gary Landwirth
Theresa Jurgensen
Thomas Carroll Daily
Thomas Chatlos
Thomas Warren
Tish and Paul Szurek
Tracey Carswell
Traci DiBlasio
Tracy and Nina Veteto
Tracy Rose
Travis Harris
Trinity Episcopal Church
Truist Foundation
UBS Matching Gifts Program
United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County
Valeria and Michael Grant
Victor Fahrer
Victoria Mason
Wallace and Steve Thomas
Water Street Investors, LLC
Wendy and Dennis Thies
Winslow Tuttle
Yield Giving
Aaron Tucker
Alicia Armstrong
Andreina Bates
Angelique Tassistro
Arlene Cotler Custom Catering
Asheville Art Museum
Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Alliance
Asheville Christian Academy hosting Tutors Across America
Asheville Community Yoga
Asheville Museum of Science
Asheville Testing Center
Asheville Youth Sailing
Bank of America
Bears Smokehouse
Bee Sieburg
Billy Jonas
Brunk Auctions
Callie Ayers
Camp Bangin' and Sangin'
Camp Crafty Hoopla
Camp Rockmont Alumni Association
Camp Rockmont for Boys
Carlos Marrero
Carly and Grant Penny
Carol and Jim Caskowski
Carol and Spencer Duin
Carolina Day School
Carolina Psychological Assessment Center (CPAC)
Casi Fordham
Casimir Bationo
Chai Pani
Champions Jr Tennis Camp
Christopher Zion
Cindy and Scott Walton
CReATE Educational and Neuropsych Testing
Daniel Fleres
David Sheldon
Dosty and Alex Quarrier
Dustin Spagnola
Dynamite Roasting Co.
Elizabeth Porritt Carrington
Emily Noechel and Ian Quate
Equal Plates
Eric and Nycole Howard
Firefly Pottery
Firefly Valley
Flora Botanical Living
Gan Shan West
Gilda and Gil Santiago
Green River Preserve
Hannah Flowers
Hayden Wilson
Hearth and Home Interiors
Hunter Subaru
Jacqui and Alec Fehl
Jean and Jack Langdon
Jeff Kinzel
Jenny Benscher
Jeremy Russell
Jesse Lee
Jessica Weiss And Jason White
Jettie Rae's Oyster House
Jim Diaz
Jim McDowell
Joel Hunnicutt
Karen Fuhrman
Kate Suzanne
Kaye and Todd Phillips
Kelsey Schissel
Kenn Kotara
Kim Dow
KP Vollybyall Training Camp
Kristin and Ross Britton
LaKisha Blount
Langford Barksdale
Laura Wood
LEAF Schools and Streets Camp
Lil and Scott Woody
Lizzy and Oscar Montes
Local Barber and Tap
Luella's BBQ
Mangum Pottery
Michael Hofman
Michelle and Daniel McClendon
Mountain Madre
Muddy Sneakers
Nabil El Jaouhari
NC Outward Bound
Nicole Baker Academic Assessment Center
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Odyssey School Summer Camps
One Click Fix
Packs Tavern
Paint Rock Farm
Penn Hartsell
Play it Again Sports
Posana, Inc.
Preston Gallery
Provisions Mercantile
PUSH Skate Camp
Rainbow Community School
River Link
Robert Milnes
Scout Boutique
Shannon Whitworth
Shirley Bavonese
Stephen Atkins
Sunnyside Trading Co
Swift App School
Table Wine
The Hop Ice Cream Cafe
The Recovery Studio
The Rhu
Tim Tate
Tiny Mountain Clay
Turchin Jewelry
UNC Dining Service
United Way
Victor Chiarizia
Vinnie's Neighborhood Italian
Westmoreland & Scully
Wickles Pickles
Woolworth Walk
Thank you to our corporate sponsors!